CSS versus personalization

Published on 2017-12-28 code css a11y

The W3C's Cognitive Accessibility Roadmap and Gap Analysis talks quite a bit about personalization of UI. This means that users should be able to choose how key elements like links and buttons are rendered. But what does this mean for frontend development practices?

My thesis in this article is that CSS and the web as a whole put too much power in the hands of authors and too little power in the hands of users to allow effective personalization. Still, I will try to find some practical guidelines that may facilitate better personalization on the web.

What exactly is meant by "personalization"

Personalization involves tailoring aspects of the user experience to meet the preferences or needs of the user. Technology holds the promise of being extremely flexible and the design of many systems includes the expectation that users will be able to optimize their interaction experience according to their personal preferences or accessibility requirements (needs).

Cognitive Accessibility Roadmap and Gap Analysis

What is essential here is that different people have different needs. So while some people may need additional hints on how to use an UI, other people might be distracted or annoyed by those same hints.

There are different ways to do personalization. You can have completely different renderings (e.g. visual browser vs screen reader). But you can also provide options for an existing rendering (e.g. font settings in a visual browser).

You might think now that it should be up to the web applications to provide personalization settings. But that would actually be really bad for privacy. Instead, personalization should ideally happen completely in the user agent without the application even noticing.

Why do we have CSS?

Imagine a world where the rendering of a webpage was completely controlled by the browser. In that world, personalization would be easy. It would probably have been around for decades. Maybe a browser would come with some pre-installed stylesheets you could choose from. You could even add your own if you wanted to.

I think the main reason we ended up with author-defined stylesheets is branding. People just wanted to communicate their own visual identity (even if it was orange text on green background with unicorns). Maybe the long history of WYSIWYG editors also played into it.

Whatever it was, once we had author-defined stylesheets, the browser's default styling was part of its public interface and could not be easily changed anymore. So today we have basically the same awful default styles as 20 years ago. It would not take much to fix that. But as of now, it is not a practical option to not write CSS for a page.

I believe these two reasons are merely mistakes of history. But there are actually cases where author-defined stylesheets make a lot of sense:

You can express a lot of semantics in HTML, but it still is limited. So there are low-level interfaces like JavaScript, ARIA, and CSS to extend these semantics. Every UI component is an extension of HTML semantics. Just think of .alert-success and .alert-danger in bootstrap: The HTML/ARIA semantics just say that these are alerts, nothing about severity.

In the alert case, the additional distinction between success and danger is probably implicit from the content. But in other cases, the additional semantics may be essential.

Overwriting CSS

Now that we are stuck with CSS, the only option to enable personalization is to overwrite it. This is also why the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines require some degree of support for overwriting author-defined styling.

There are some cases where changing the CSS actually works pretty well: Many browsers today contain a "reader mode" where all inessential content is stripped and some default styling is applied. This works really well to strip away the branding from articles. But it would not work for rich web applications with a lot of custom semantics.

This gets even harder if you want to change only parts of the styling, e.g. links and buttons. Using the CSSStyleSheet API to modify loaded stylesheets works pretty well, but only for same-origin stylesheets. Another option might be the revert keyword that is currently in draft state and not yet available in browsers. Imagine some code like this:

a:visited {
    all: revert !important;

This would revert the link styling to the browser default. However, this might break all kinds of things like layout (if links are used with display: block) or color contrast.

But the truth is that overwriting CSS is essentially monkey-patching. I do not know of any site that has a stable and documented CSS API. There is just no way to do this in a non-hackish way. This may be part of the reason why chrome removed support for user level stylesheets in 2014.


The web is the most accessible medium we have ever had. But still, it is far from perfect. Semantic HTML enables us to use a wide range of representations – be it desktop, mobile, or screen readers. However, personalization is an area that does not integrate well with the current approach to styling.

Adding additional CSS to a page is just not viable on a larger scale. So we need to anticipate that replacing the complete CSS will be a common technique. We should keep custom semantics to a minimum, especially if it is essential.

We should also embrace the customization hooks we already have: Most browsers include features to select fonts and maybe even colors. We should honor these settings whenever possible. Taking this a step further: Maybe just generally write less CSS. Use more browser defaults. Why do you need to have branded links and buttons in the first place?

Finally, it is important to craft your HTML and CSS in a way so that it does not break, even if users do crazy things with it. Expect colors to change. Expect font-sizes to change. Expect the unexpected. Be prepared.